
GP Principles


Dr Rohan (he/him) qualified from The University of Cork, Ireland in 1984. He is a GP trainer and is the finance lead for the practice group. He has a special interest in substance misuse. He also has extensive experience in health service management and has held many leadership roles within the CCG.

Dr Elizabeth Macmillan MBBS, BSc, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFSRH

Dr Macmillan (she/her) qualified from UCL in 1999. She is a GP Trainer, Associate Professor of St George’s Medical School Grenada and is the Education and Women’s health lead for the practice. She provides family planning services including IUD/IUS and implant fittings. She is also the well-being and climate lead. She has a special interest in minor surgery, migrant and veteran medicine, and has held leadership roles including chair of the Haringey GP federation until 2023. She is the PPG lead for the practice.

Dr Devrim Beyzade MBChB, MRCGP

Dr Beyzade (he/him) qualified from the University of Dundee in 2000. He is a GP trainer, the prescribing lead for the practice and has special interests in joint injections, ENT and substance misuse. He is the Musculoskeletal lead for the practice group.

Dr Mohana Murali Krishnan MBBS, MRCGP, DipDerm

Dr Krishnan (she/her) qualified from JJM Medical College in India in 1999. She has special interests in dermatology and family planning and offers contraceptive services including IUD/IUS and implant fittings. She is also a GP trainer, is the lead for chronic disease management and diabetic lead for the group.

Dr David Jones MBBS, MRCP, MRCGP

Dr Jones (he/him) qualified from the University of London in 1979, he has experience in teaching and and holds MSc in medical anthropology. He is the Adult safeguarding lead and lead for Cardiovascular disease for the group.

Dr Ikenna Uchenwoke MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG

Dr Uchenwoke (he/him) qualified from OAU medical school, Ife, Nigeria in 1993. He enjoys all aspects of general practice and is lead for Learning disabilities, staff appraisal and development and has a special interest in substance misuse and rheumatology.

Dr Shyama Ratnam BSc, MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGP

Dr Ratnam (she/her) qualified from UCL in 2007. She has special interests in Gynaecology and Care Home care and is a mentor for the salaried doctors. She is the mental health and dementia lead for the practice. She is passionate about good maternal health and improving antenatal care.

Dr Daijun Tan MBBS, MPH, MRCGP

Dr Tan (she/her) qualified from St Bartholomew and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry in 2007 and completed her Masters in Public Health from LSHTM in 2010. She is the workforce development and organisation lead for the practice having gained experience with previous leadership roles in Haringey CCG. She is also the asthma and COPD lead for the practice, and is a mentor for the salaried GPs, supervises the clinical pharmacists, and has a special interest in minor surgery.

Dr Thomas Spary BSc, MBBS, MRCGP

Dr Spary (he/him) qualified from UCL 2012, he is a GP Trainer, the Clinical Director for the Welbourne Primary Care Network in addition being a board member of the Haringey GP federation. He has expertise in access and development with his previous role in the local Integrated Care Board. He is the joint child safeguarding lead and sepsis lead for the group.

Dr Yuvraj Pattni BSc, MBBS, MRCGP

Dr Pattni (he/him) qualified from Imperial College London in 2011, he enjoys all aspect of general practice and is the child safeguarding and clinical governance lead as well as cancer and national screening lead. He trains junior (Fy2) doctors and is the lead for AHPs in the practice. He is also the deputy medical director of Haringey GP federation and leads on quality improvement and innovation.

Dr Thomas Leonard MBBCh, MRCGP, BAO

Dr Leonard (he/him) qualified from Queens University Belfast in 2011, he is a GP trainer and the group performance lead and CKD lead. In addition he holds leadership roles for the Haringey GP federation as clinical lead for East Haringey and is a member of the LMC. He has a special interest in paediatrics holding a diploma in child health, and is passionate about preventative medicine and tackling health inequality.

Salaried GPs

Dr Michelle Northrop BM MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH

Dr Northrop (she/her) Qualified from Southampton University 1998, she has a special interest in women’s and sexual health and a postgraduate certificate in primary healthcare teaching.

Dr Esther Martin-Jimenez MRCGP

Dr Martin-Jimenez (she/her) qualified from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain in 2014. She is a GP with a special interest in substance misuse, and also works at The Grove drug rehabilitation centre as part of the “bringing Primary Care into substance misuse treatment services in Haringey” work with the Haringey GP Federation. She also has special interests in sexual health and dermatology.

Dr Amir Sham MRCGP

Dr Sham (he/him) qualified from Cardiff university in 2017 and has a special interest in and is practice lead for palliative care/end of life care

Dr Raheem Abd-Ur Chaudhary MB ChB MRCGP

Dr Abd-Ur Chaudhury (he/him) Qualified from the University of Birmingham in 2018, he is an NCL SPIN teaching fellow with a special interest in undergraduate education

Dr Sonia Adesara BMBS BMeSci MRCGP

Dr Adesara (she/her) graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2014, she loves all aspects of general practice and is passionate about addressing health inequalities

Dr Dermot McCullagh MB ChB MRCGP

Dr McCullagh (he/him) qualified from the University of Manchester in 2016, he is an NCL SPIN fellow with a special interest in musculoskeletal health and palliative care.

Dr Meredith Moodie MBBS MRCGP (associate)

Dr Moodie (she/her) qualified from the University of Sydney, Australia in 2014. As well as enjoying the diversity of GP, she has a special interest in sexual health and HIV. She is currently an HIV GP Champion for North Central London and pursing a SPIN fellowship on this topic also.

GP Registrars

Dr Kirsten Verheij ST3

Dr Stefan Chiu ST3

Dr Imran Janmohamed ST2